If we look at their origins, we find that all the three quests have originated out of Human Mind. We as Human Beings want to inquire everything around us with all the ‘What’, ‘Why’, ‘Where’, ‘When’ and ‘Hows’ of life. Scientific quests make us enquire about our surroundings as to “Is the earth round?” “Why is the sky blue?” Why the sun rises in the east?”, “Why eclipses occur?” etc etc. In the same manner, questions like “Who am I”, “What is the purpose of my life”, “What is it that I m actually looking for?”, “Why is there so much of conflict within me?”Are all questions put to spirituality?
Interestingly, all the three rely on logic and refer to one thing – Human Behavior. They begin with logic, rationality and scientific temper and hence share a common goal. However, the focus of science is on the physical world and that of spirituality on higher levels of consciousness. In the voyage of discovery, Science relies on instruments such as telescopes and microscopes, which have become more and more sophisticated today. Similarly, Spirituality uses methods like Meditation and Yoga to connect with one's inner vision.
The foundations of management as a spiritual science are evident in today’s educational institutions and corporate organisations. For instance, as a commonly used, the management exercise of ‘Goal Setting”. Goal setting features as a major component of personal development and effective performance. Numerous empirical studies over several recent decades have supported the relationship between appropriate goal setting and higher work performance. This relationship has been tested in many different ways and situations, and every time there has been proved for the two to have a directly proportional relationship. This forces us to take a spiritual leap into ourselves and ask the questions like mentioned above ‘What is the purpose of my life’ or ‘what is the goal of my life’. Such "truths" may become guiding principles that practicing managers see as ideal solutions to a variety of situations. Thus, a practicing manager may see the benefits of goal setting on performance as a scientific ideal and may then implement ‘goal setting’ in a number of practical situations, as required.
Management science that accepts the reality of spiritual dimensions has enormous potential for individual and social development. The spiritual dimension is concerned with universal values such as love, integrity, justice, supportive relationships and respect from top-down and bottom-up management. It forms the foundation of the philosophy of a corporate organisation which impacts policies in major areas such as mission statements, code of ethical business, human resource development and management.
The natural curiosity about the world and nature, when explored with an open mind, leads to awe and humility at what we don't know as yet. This creates a desire to understand more about the human mind which is constantly developing and trying to decipher the meaning of existence. This beautiful amalgamation can be further used to explore the correlation between our mental framework and physical processes in the brain and body. Another area which is important is exploring how inner harmony can be achieved among our beliefs, thoughts, speech, imagination, emotions, motives and attitude.
In terms of spiritual practice, at this moment, there are more tools available to us than at any other time in history. We have access to so much wisdom through the vehicles of books, magazines, the Internet, television, and film. In addition, the time-honored practice of meditation by just sitting quietly every day, spending some time with self, listening to the universe, is a great way to start the journey within. There is further inspiration in the fact that the greatest teachers we have in life are our own life experiences, and they come to us every day with new lessons and new opportunities to learn.
The Spiritual Journey can take root anywhere on earth, as long as the seeker is open and ready for higher consciousness. All we need is a powerful intention, and a willingness to do the work necessary to moving forward on our path.